Python classmethod() Usage and 5 Caveats

The Python classmethod() is a useful feature for defining class methods. In Python, you often come across concepts related to object-oriented programming, such as handling classes and methods. In this post, we’ll explore the concept and usage of classmethod() in detail.

What is Python classmethod()?

The Python classmethod() is an important function for handling classes. Typically, methods defined within a class are instance methods, meaning they take the instance of the object as the first argument. However, the classmethod() is used to define methods that take the class itself as the first argument.

Such class methods perform operations related to the entire class rather than a specific object, making them useful for accessing class variables or performing class-level tasks.

How to Use classmethod()

Basic Syntax

Here is the basic syntax for using Python classmethod():

class class_name:
    def method_name(cls, arguments):

Here, cls is a parameter representing the class itself, and it is used in place of self. With cls, you can access class variables or perform operations related to the class itself.

Example: Managing Data at the Class Level

With classmethod(), you can efficiently manage or update data at the class level. Let’s take a look at an example:

class Counter:
    count = 0  # class variable
    def increase(cls):
        cls.count += 1
    def get_current(cls):
        return cls.count

In this example, the Counter class has a class variable count, and every time the increase() method is called, the value of the class variable increases by 1. The key point here is that the method affects the entire class, not just a specific object.

Since this is a class method and not an instance method, it is manipulated directly at the class level. Even if instances are created, the variable remains the same at the class level and does not get reset within instances. The image below helps illustrate this concept.

Figure 1. Declaring and executing a class method using Python classmethod
Figure 1. Declaring and executing a class method using Python classmethod

Difference Between Class Methods and Instance Methods

It is essential to understand the difference between classmethod() and regular instance methods. Instance methods take the instance of the object as the first argument and can access instance variables. In contrast, class methods take the class itself as the first argument and can only access class variables.

class Sample:
    instance_variable = 0
    class_variable = 0
    def instance_method(self):
        self.instance_variable += 1
    def class_method(cls):
        cls.class_variable += 1

In the code above, the instance_method() accesses the object’s instance variable, while the class_method() affects only the class variable. This clearly demonstrates the difference between methods operating at the instance and class levels.

Also, you cannot access instance methods directly from the class since they require self as the first argument, representing the object itself. Attempting to do so will result in an error like: “TypeError: Sample.instance_method() missing 1 required positional argument: ‘self'”.

Figure 2. Error when attempting to call an instance method directly from the class in Python
Figure 2. Error when attempting to call an instance method directly from the class in Python

Examples Where classmethod() Is Particularly Useful

Managing Database Connections

classmethod() can be useful when maintaining database connection information at the class level, allowing multiple instances to share the same connection. This makes resource management more efficient as the same connection can be reused across different instances.

class Database:
    conn = None

    def connect(cls, user_id, user_pw):
        cls.conn = connect_to_sql(user_id, user_pw)

    def get_conn(cls):
        return cls.conn

Database.connect("user", "pass")

In this code, the database connection is managed through a class variable, and all instances can share this connection. This approach eliminates the need to create multiple connections, optimizing resource management.

Modifying Behavior of Inherited Classes

classmethod() is also helpful when you want to redefine class methods or modify class variables in inherited classes.

class Animal:
    name = "Animal"
    def get_name(cls):

class Dog(Animal):
    name = "Dog"

class Cat(Animal):
    name = "Cat"


In this example, the Dog and Cat classes inherit from the Animal class, but each subclass returns its own name through the class method.

Figure 3. Executing a method declared in the parent class using Python classmethod
Figure 3. Executing a method declared in the parent class using Python classmethod

Cautions When Using classmethod()

  1. Class Variables vs. Instance Variables: classmethod() can only access class variables, not instance variables. Therefore, it is not suitable for tasks related to an individual object’s state.
  2. Avoid Using self in Class Methods: Since class methods operate on the class itself, they use cls rather than self. The key difference here is that class methods take the class itself as the first argument, not an instance.
  3. Understanding Method Behavior During Inheritance: Class methods will work the same way in inherited classes, but they will be called within the context of the child class. This can lead to unintended behavior if you’re not careful. Ensure you fully understand how class methods behave in an inheritance structure before using them.
  4. Avoid Unnecessary Use: Not all methods should be class methods. If an instance method is more appropriate for your use case, avoid using class methods unnecessarily. Only use class methods when required.
  5. Memory Management Considerations: Since class methods manage data at the class level, improper usage could lead to memory leaks or unexpected state changes. Handle class variables carefully and modify them only when necessary.


Python classmethod() is a valuable method when performing tasks at the class level. It can be useful for implementing factory methods, managing class variables, and handling tasks that apply to the entire class rather than specific instances. However, it is important to avoid confusing it with instance methods and to use it in appropriate situations. If you want to deepen your understanding of Python’s object-oriented programming, mastering the principles and applications of classmethod() is essential.


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