Python bool() Function 3 Usage

The Python bool() function is an essential tool for determining whether a given value is True or False. The bool() function can be applied to various data types and values, and it returns a boolean result of either True or False. In this post, we will explore the basic usage of the bool() function, how it can be applied in real-world development, and some important caveats to keep in mind.

Basic Concept of the bool() Function

The bool() function is a built-in Python function that determines whether a given value is True or False. These are logical values, which Python represents as True and False.



Here, “value” refers to the object whose truthiness is being checked by the bool() function. All values can be converted to either True or False, and Python treats certain values as False by default.

Values Treated as False

The following values in Python are always evaluated as False when passed to the bool() function:

  1. Number 0 (0, 0.0, 0j, etc.)
  2. Empty strings ("")
  3. Empty lists ([]), empty tuples (()), empty dictionaries ({}), empty sets (set())
  4. The value None (meaning no value)
  5. The False value itself

All other values are treated as True by default. For example, any non-zero number, non-empty string, or non-empty list or tuple will return True when passed to the bool() function.


print(bool([1, 2, 3]))

As seen above, 0, an empty string, an empty list, and None all evaluate to False. On the other hand, values like 10 or the string “Python” are evaluated as True.

Figure 1. Python bool() function results: True and False
Figure 1. Python bool() function results: True and False

Use Cases of the bool() Function

Using bool() in Conditional Statements

The bool() function is frequently used in conditional statements. These statements often involve checking whether a value is True or False, and bool() can be applied directly or the value itself can be evaluated.

For example, you can use bool() to check whether a list is empty:

my_list = []

if bool(my_list):
    print("The list contains values.")
    print("The list is empty.")

However, when used in conditional statements, bool() can be omitted for simplicity:

if my_list:
    print("The list contains values.")
    print("The list is empty.")

Validating Data with bool()

The bool() function is also useful for validating whether user input is valid. For instance, it can easily check if the input provided by a user is empty.

user_input = input("Enter a value: ")

if bool(user_input):
    print("You entered:", user_input)
    print("No value was entered.")

In this case, if the input is an empty string, bool(user_input) will return False, and the message “No value was entered” will be printed. If any value is entered, True will be returned, and the input will be displayed.

In the following illustration, if the string “0” is entered, it will be treated as a value, so “0” will be printed. If the Enter key is pressed without any input, the message “No value was entered” will appear.

Figure 2. Validating input with the Python bool() function
Figure 2. Validating input with the Python bool() function

Simplifying Function Return Value Checks

The bool() function can also simplify the evaluation of a function’s return value. For example, it can be used to determine whether an operation was successful.

def operation_success():
    return []

result = operation_success()

if bool(result):
    print("The operation was successful.")
    print("The operation failed.")

In this case, since the function returns an empty list, bool(result) evaluates to False, and the message “The operation failed” is printed. Although you could use len() to check the length of the list, using bool() provides a simpler and more concise solution.

Figure 3. Evaluating empty lists with the Python bool() function
Figure 3. Evaluating empty lists with the Python bool() function

Important Considerations

Misunderstandings with Numbers and Strings

All numbers except for 0 are considered True. For instance, even negative numbers such as -1 are evaluated as True. However, the string "0" is treated as True because it is a non-empty string. If you want the string "0" to be treated as 0, you need to use the int() function to convert it.

Figure 4. Common misunderstandings with the Python bool() function
Figure 4. Common misunderstandings with the Python bool() function

Empty Containers

Lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets are all considered False if they are empty, but they will evaluate to True as long as they contain at least one item.


In the first line, the list contains the value 0, so it evaluates as True. In the second line, the dictionary is empty, so it evaluates as False.

Figure 5. Evaluating lists and dictionaries with the Python bool() function
Figure 5. Evaluating lists and dictionaries with the Python bool() function


None is a special value in Python that represents the absence of a value. When evaluated by the bool() function, None returns False. It is commonly used to represent initial states or error conditions.



The Python bool() function is a powerful tool for easily checking whether a value is True or False. Whether you are working with conditional statements, validating data, or evaluating function return values, bool() simplifies the process. However, it is essential to be aware of special cases such as numbers, empty containers, and the None value.

Thanks to Python’s flexible type conversion, the bool() function can be applied in various scenarios, improving the readability of your code and helping to avoid errors. The next time you write a program, make sure to consider using bool() to create more efficient and clear code.


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